Tuesday, November 07, 2006

ok today i m gonna start with a slight ranting, then later i'll put up another post thats more info based. yesterday my car got towed by the MPSJ. for those of u who dont live in malaysia or dont understand english lettering, its the subang jaya city hall association thingy, the people who wish they were cops so they could saman u for RM500. they are the ones where if u see their parking ticket on ur car's windscreen u take it, tear it up , n throw it outside ur window, or use it to contain flem..
they towed my car because SUC (the university doesnt use SUC because tha will tell all prospecting students and customers how sad the uni actually is, so they use SYUC instead) had no parking. inside college its RM2 perentry, it should be free after all we are already paying tuition fees, and outside almost 15mins walk away is the elephant walk parking run by the college that is free, but absolutely pointless if u r running late for class or its raining. they close or block up the inside carpark, and the elephant car park was full. and they will clamp ur car if u park it on the teachers parking, that is the front row in the inside carpark. though there is no sign that says so, n no license plate numbers, no names etc, they will just turn up suddenly n decide to clamp ur car and then fine u later when u try to leave. so with all my options closed i had to outside to the industrial area to park where all the mechanics are. and if u drive and keep ur eyes open u should noe that mechanics have a habit of parking thier car on another lot, blocking off all lots around their shop, and leaving tons of non-moving scraps of metal that used to be cars lying around in parking lots along the road. in the endthere was no parking either. if my classes were to end b4 5 i would double park outside the photostating shop, and leave before anybody can come to complain, but now my classes go on till 6 sometimes 6.30. so i cant do that. so i got no choice i had to park at the end of the road, along the bend to the traffic light which is about a hundred metres farther down. so my car got towed and i had to pay RM 140 to get my car back.
i feel SUC (SUC is actually much easier) should pay me back and then add another 100 for cuasing me the inconveniance of having to sit lrt, taxi, bas, and KTM to get home and then come back in the morning to get the car, and another RM50 to my friends who had to help take me to and fro yesterday to find out what happen to my car. i feel its not fair that they give students absolutely no parking and force us to park illegaly and than fine and coz our cars to be towed and fined because they give us no parking. its not right. u should not be able to prosecute anybody if u do not give them the opportunity to do the right thing.
i feel cheated and feel really annoyed and irritated by all this. if they dont give me a praking space what m i to do then? make jet boosters and park in mid air, or make like a bird and park in the trees? they are such supreme and unchallengeable dolts that talking to donkeys would get me faster action. i've also noticed that though my uni is already terribly incorrigible and filled with entirely brainless admin and board of directors,(because they claim the uni is by the students for the student, but all i see is money in the board of director's pockets, poor facilities, waterless toilets, drity corridors, a tiny little canteen that sells unheathly food, and water dispensors that give out mud colored water.) they should buck up and make things better, or resign and let us the students handle the things we find completely lacking.
however terrible my uni is i found out there are even more uni, and colleges that are even worse off. like only 2-3 toilets in the whole building absolutely no parking lots at all, no canteen or restaurants nearby, and some even in the middle of nowhere whose students are probably forced to eat grual everyday like prisoners, though i think even prisoners get better than oil filled fried kuey teow where when u tilt the bowl u can find litterally at least a few 100 ml of plain oil. and the latter does occur in my uni too. this entire post is readible by anybody interested in reading it. and if the people of SUC read it i hope they take not of all their short comings and make amends of it. to all new n propecting student, absolutely do not stay in the dorms. my friends place gets regularly flooded every few weeks.


Blogger Eri Peng said...

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1:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am honoured that you mentioned my apartment in your first post. whoo hoo!

Haha, well, I'd just like to say for the record...It's all true!!!!!!!!

Do NOT stay in the dorms.

Tata now,
and great blog, val..although most of the anime stuff went right over my head =S


9:52 PM  

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